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Custom Made Foot Orthotics in Oshawa

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Orthotics are custom-made prescription medical devices that can assist in the improvement of foot and leg function, pressure redistribution, and cushioning. Orthotics can help decrease the potential for undesirable forces generated by the feet and cause soft tissue, muscular and bone damage. There are several biomechanical issues that produce discomfort and may be relieved with regular orthotics usage.
Orthotics help your feet, legs, pelvis, and back function better by limiting excessive motion and correcting the positioning and movement of your foot joints.
Custom Orthotics can help treat plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, intermetatarsal neuroma, heel pain, flat feet and much more.
What is the process of getting my custom orthotics at QFC in Oshawa?
Step 1: Biomechanical Exam & Gait Analysis
If you have a health plan, we recommend that you call your insurance provider to find out what coverage you have for custom foot orthotics. During your orthotic appointment the chiropodist will complete a thorough medical history exam to find out what concerns you have. Next she will complete a biomechanical exam and gait analysis. After analyzing your feet and it's function, she will write a detailed prescription for your orthotics. Your orthotic prescription will be accompanied by an exercise prescription where required, as physical therapy programs can improve outcomes.
Step 2: 3-D Laser Scan or Plaster Cast
The chiropodist will cast your feet to capture it in a neutral non-weight bearing position. This will either be done using plaster or 3-D laser scan. At Qureshy Footcare Clinic, we use the world’s latest 3D laser scanning technology for custom orthotics Oshawa. We want to ensure highest orthotic quality and comfort levels to support your foot structure.
Step 3: Made in Accredited Orthotic Laboratory
We send your plaster casts/3D image and detailed orthotic prescription to a specialized orthotic lab. The lab prides itself in using cutting-edge technology and superior craftsmanship. Your orthotics are made with state of the art manufacturing systems that lead to high degree of accuracy and quality.
Step 4: Orthotic Fitting
Once your new orthotics are made, we will ask you to visit us so we can fit them in your shoes. Please bring the shoes you plan to wear the orthotics in the most. We will educate you on your new pair of orthotics and ensure that they properly fit your feet, and shoes comfortably.
Step 5: Follow-ups
At your orthotic fitting appointment we will discuss your follow-up appointments. These follow-up appointments will be to ensure the orthotics are functioning effectively and that you are comfortable and happy with your orthotics. At Qureshy Footcare Clinic, follow-up orthotic appointments and necessary adjustments are complimentary.